Welcome to the loop.
Guess what.
To begin…great news! The app is ready for submission… which means that Thank You…
Accordion Item Content Goes Here
Accordion Item Content Goes Here
Accordion Item Content Goes Here
Accordion Item Content Goes Here
Remove all attributes
"Paste code here…"
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ooz2ksywlffv/public_html/wp-content/themes/next/prime/shortcodes/flex-slider.php on line 27
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ooz2ksywlffv/public_html/wp-content/themes/next/prime/classes/class.slider.php on line 95
Need to add support for selecting one of their defined sliders.
Change the content and clear it with me.
Pullquote – disable preview
Recent Posts (Vertical) – disable preview
Nova makes it easy to build a site that looks great on everything — from smartphones, to tablets, to desktops, to flatscreen televisions!
Guess what.
To begin…great news! The app is ready for submission… which means that Thank You…
As many of you know, Thank You Pen has been on the market for a little over a year now…
Content inside the recent posts shortcode is displayed in the first quarter of the shortcode.
The portfolio shortcode lets you show off items in your portfolio — your projects, products, services, tutorials, or anything else!
Content inside the recent posts shortcode is displayed in the first quarter of the shortcode.
[social show_twitter="true" show_facebook="true" show_google="true"]
Facebook not working
Adds a div with vertical space
Make it so they don’t come in all bunched up.
Add an example one:
Column 1″ | Column 2′ | Column 3 | Column 4 |
Item #1 | Description | Subtotal: | $1.00 |
Item #2 | Description | Discount: | $2.00 |
Item #3 | Description | Shipping: | $3.00 |
Item #4 | Description | Tax: | $4.00 |
All Items | Description | Your Total: | $10.00 |
*Your table footer… |
Some content
Some content